NTRCA Special Recruitment Mass Circular 2022 (Posts – 15,173)
Public Recruitment Circular 2022 for vacant posts of Government Teacher Registration and Certification. NTRCA has published the NTRCA Recruitment 2023 Mass Special Circular on their official websites www.ntrca.gov.bd and ngi.teletalk.com.bd. NTRCA has issued a notification to fill the vacancies in various educational institutions. Online application will start from 10.00 am next February. Job seekers can apply online. Read the full post to know more details.
NTRCA Recruitment 2023 Mass Special Circular
A mass recruitment circular was published on the website of NTRCA on 08 February 2022 to launch Vocational Courses in General Education Institutions (Secondary Schools / Dakhil Madrasas) based on the demand of Secondary Education Sector Investment Program (CESIP) under the Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Education.
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Description of the vacancy
The details of the vacancies as per NTRCA Recruitment Circular 2022 are given below:
Note: Details of thematic vacancies will be published on the afternoon of February 08.
Post Name:Trade Instructor
Trade Name:
Food Processing and Preservation
Civil Construction
General Electrical Works
General Electronic Works/General Electronics
Computer and Information Technology
General Mechanics
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
Plumbing and Pipe Fitting
Welding and Fabrication
Trade Opposite Number of Seats: Empty
Total Number of Posts: 15,163/-
Type of Posts:
Application fee
The candidate has to pay a fee of TK.100 / – for each application. If the fee is not paid at the prescribed rate, the application will be considered rejected. Applicants who have just received the Application ID from 12.00 pm on 22 February 2022 will be able to submit the application fee via SMS within the next 72 hours of that time, i.e. until 12.00 pm on 25 February 2022.
Eligibility for application
Age of the candidate – Must be 35 (thirty-five) years or less on 01 January 2022. However, the age limit is relaxed only for those candidates who have passed the Teacher Registration Examination and those who have obtained the Teacher Registration Certificate before 12 June 2018 as per the judgment of case No. 3900/2019 of the Appellate Division of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Eligibility for application
Age of the candidate – Must be 35 (thirty-five) years or less on 01 January 2022. However, the age limit is relaxed only for those candidates who have passed the Teacher Registration Examination and those who have obtained the Teacher Registration Certificate before 12 June 2018 as per the judgment of case No. 3900/2019 of the Appellate Division of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Registration Recruitment Circular 2022
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Application procedure and other information
The rules regarding online application and fee submission are displayed separately on Teletalk Bangladesh Limited’s ngi.teletalk.com.bd website and www.ntrca.gov.bd website. A sample of this subject (DEMA) can be found on the website of Teletalk Bangladesh Limited at ngi.teletalk.com.bd.
E-Application In case of filling up the form, the NID number along with the spelling of the applicant’s name, permanent and temporary addressed other information should be similar to the information given while filling up the Teacher Registration Examination Form. If the spelling of the name is not the same or if the spelling is wrong, there will be a disturbance in the computer processing which the applicant has to bear the responsibility.
All valid applicants for each position after successfully applying online. You will automatically receive an SMS from NTRCA via Teletalk. The applicant has to save a printed copy of the submitted application on his initiative
Anyone who is a holder of the NTRCA Registration Certificate on the subject displayed in e-Advertisement. You can apply for all the posts of all the organizations mentioned in the list against the relevant subject/subject /subjects person applies for more than one position in more than one organization, the order of preference must be specified. Recommendations for appointing him as opposed to just one post according to his preference and merit will be done.
According to the latest manpower structure issued by the Ministry of Education, the candidate must be only. He has to apply for the post related to the subject mentioned in his teacher registration certificate. Legal action will be taken against the applicant if he/she receives the recommendation by providing false information will be accepted.
Applications received follow the government rules and regulations to be included in the national merit list at the end of the verification. Initially selected candidates based on merit and preference will be informed of the results via SMS. After the security/police verification of the initially selected candidates, a letter of recommendation for recruitment will be sent and the selected candidates and the concerned head will be informed via SMS will be done.
Advice on caution in filling up the e-Application form If paid. The spelling of one’s name, NID number, permanent and temporary address, and other information should be recorded properly. Once the application fee is paid after filling out the form, there will be no opportunity to amend the application form in any way. NTRCA will not be liable if the application is rejected for error in e-Application.
Notice published online due to lawsuit / legal complications (e-Advertisement). NTRCA will not be liable for the reasons stated if it is not possible to appoint any of its posts.
As per the MPO policy, the age limit for indexed teachers can be relaxed. Teachers who are working in educational institutions as registration holders can also apply for recruitment online. However, their applications are as comprehensive as those of other candidates appointments meant will be recommended based on the merit list.
Description of Vacancies in Serial No. 01 Secondary Education Sector Investment Program. NTRCA will not be liable in any way for any complication in the appointment recommendation due to erroneous demand received from (SESIP).
Confession: skilled and experienced people collect all the information presented here from the internet. Since no human is above error, we may have some unintentional error. We sincerely apologize for all the errors and state that we are not responsible for any misinformation obtained from it and the error visible to you can be reported to us via the following mail/page. I request to be informed.
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