Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The announcement of 2023 College XI Admission Results for successful applicants for class XI will be announced after 8:00 on January 29. 2021-2022 “Public and Private College” XI Class Admission Results. College admission results for 2022 are published on the website XI Class Admission System and approved by the Bangladesh Ministry of Education. This section details the entire process of reviewing the merit list and waiting list for all college applicants.
Online application for the 11th semester started on January 8, last year, and the first phase of application closed on January 15. Persons listed on the Step 1 Merit List must confirm their process within the specified deadline, otherwise, their application will be rejected and they will have to apply again. Before discussing the process of reviewing XI class admission results, let us talk about some important dates.
Ø Announcement of successful candidates for the first round: January 29, 2022 Ø Stage 1 selection confirmation: January 29th – February 6th, 2022 Ø Phase 2 application submissions: February 6 and 08, 2022 Ø Posting the results of the first migration in order of priority: February 10, 2022 Ø Announcement of 2nd application result: February 10, 2022 Ø 2nd selection confirmed: February 11th and 12th, 2022 Ø Step 3 Application received: February 13, 2022 Ø Second transfer result announced: 15 February 2022 Ø Announcement of the 3rd application result: February 15, 2022 Ø 3rd selection confirmed: February 16th and 17th, 2022 Ø Admission: 19-24 February 2022Ø Classes start: March 2nd, 2022 |
Results are processed in three steps. Based on the initial confirmation, the migration process will automatically proceed within two rounds. In other words, even after the initial confirmation, a student’s college choice can be changed no more than two times. There is an automated migration at every step, and the migration always goes the way you want it to.
§ Students will be selected from only one College-based on College preference and SSC/equivalence test scores, capacity, etc. provided at the time of application.
§ The selected student confirms the initial registration by depositing in tk. 228/ Baird online registration and other fees. Each selected student must confirm admission by depositing in Tk. 228 /. Otherwise, the student’s nomination and application will be revoked. Students who have been rejected may apply again at the next level by re-submitting the application fee.
§ Students who have not applied to the College to which they have applied can apply without a re-application fee. Universities that have not previously applied to the College are eligible to apply. College Admission Confirmation: Read this article to learn more about the College Confirmation Process and the
The website is provided and uploaded by the relevant College authorities and displayed on Nitis Baird. The student will then be admitted to the school on the specified admission date (according to hygiene rules) by submitting the required documents and approved fees, and the school will use the student’s security code to complete the admission.
Students will be notified of their Class XI results via SMS and at the same time receive a confidential security code via SMS. This security code must be kept for final authorization. Students can also find details about admissions results on the admissions website,
Applicants must log in with their ID and password. After approval, you can view the results of his admission to class XI in his personal account on the site. In addition, the admission results of each College are announced. You can also see your results.
If it is difficult to view the College entrance exam results on your mobile phone,
What should I do if I forgot my college entrance exam user ID or password? If you have forgotten your college admissions user ID or password, you can recover it here. To do this, you must fill out a form that includes your SSC registration number, mother’s name, board, mobile phone number, and transaction ID.
The results of the second college transcript will be announced on February 10, 2022, and can be found on the website. Tertiary college transcript
The results of the 3rd-semester college admissions screening will be announced on February 15, 2022, and the results can be found on our website. Join our Facebook page or group to receive
Acknowledgments: qualified and experienced people have gathered all information provided here from the Internet. Because humans are not on top of mistakes, we too can make mistakes we do not intend.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are not responsible for incorrect information, and if there are obvious errors, please report them through the following email/page.