
SSC Result 2022 Marksheet with Number Download | Excellent SSC Result 2022

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The SSC Result 2022 has been published in Bangladesh. SSC Result 2022 Marksheet with Number Download, This Year, the SSC and equivalent exam Result Pass Rate is 93.58 percent. A sum of 1 lakh 83 thousand 340 understudies got GPA-5 this year. The Secondary School Certificate Examination Result was published on December 30, 2021. All the while, Dakhil and SSC Vocational Results 2022 were published. The results were authoritatively declared at 10 am. site and SMS. SSC Class 10 Result 2022 can likewise be known from the Education Board site

Bangladesh education Board SSC Result 2022

The Dhaka Board SSC Result 2022 for Class 10 in Bangladesh has been Published. To check the SSC exam Result 2022 in Detail visit site.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina introduced the result publishing activities by joining essentially from Bangabhaban, Dhaka. Schooling Minister Dipu Moni and the Deputy Education Minister were available for the event. Likewise, the administrators of all the education sheets were available.

SSC Result 2022 Marksheet with Number Download

The results of Dhaka, Comilla, Chittagong, Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Jessore, Barisal, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board, and Bangladesh Technical Education Board have been published at the same time. Understudies will want to see the results online from 12 in the early afternoon. SSC mark sheet and results will be accessible from the individual education board site. Results can likewise be known by sending an SMS. Messages can be sent from any cell phone. No printed copy of the results will be shipped off the foundations from the Education Board. Foundations will want to download the paperless results from the site of the concerned Education Boards.

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SSC Result Live

The SSC Result 2022 Bangladesh publishing program was broadcast in real time on Somoy TV and different TVs. Refreshed news has likewise been published through the Facebook page/YouTube Channel of the Ministry of Education, Bangladesh Television, and other news entryways.


SSC 2022 Result Update News: ২০২২ সালের এসএসসি ও সমমানের পরীক্ষার ফল প্রকাশ। গড় পাসের হার ৯৩.৫৮ শতাংশ। বিস্তারিত মার্কশীটসহ সকল বোর্ডের রেজাল্ট দেখুন।

SSC Result 2022

The SSC and identical assessment results for 2022 have been published. All Education Board Results will be released on 30th December 2022. The typical pass rate in the current year’s equivalent school examinations and identical assessments is 93.58 percent. Last time it was 82.87 percent. The absolute number of competitors this time was 22 lakh 40 thousand 395. Of these, 20 lakh 96 thousand 546 have passed. Then again, under 9 general education boards, the typical finish rate in SSC exams is just 94.08 percent.

How to Know the SSC Result?

How would you know the SSC Result 2022? The response is extremely straightforward. You can know the result in a few simple steps. You can find the SSC Result 2022 on the web and by SMS. After the authority result is released, you will want to know the results from the Education Boards site. web-based results can likewise be found from the Education Board Results site Link. With the roll number, registration number, exam name, year, and SSC Result 2022 Board, you can know the result by tapping on the submit button. The result including the SSC mark sheet can be known exclusively from the particular education board’s official site. The results can likewise be known by using applications on the Smartphone.

SSC Result 2022

web-based result

All Education Board Web-based results can be found on the site. From this site, you can know the Dhaka, Chittagong, Barisal, Comilla, Jessore, Sylhet, Dinajpur, and Mymensingh Education Board Results. Madrasah Board SSC Result and Technical Board SSC Result can be found here. The Results can be understood without a Registration Number through this site. Be that as it may, a Registration Number will be required to look at the Results with the mark sheet.

SSC Result 2022 Marksheet with Number Download

The SSC Result 2022 without Registration Number can be checked from the board results site for Dhaka, Madrasah, and some other schooling sheets. Notwithstanding individual results, organization-based, area-based, and focus put together, results can be found on this site. Follow the via below to know the online results.


  • Visit the site.

  • Click on the results page choice.

  • Select “SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent” from the assessment choice.

  • Select “2022” from the year choice.

  • Select your “Schooling Board” Name from the board choice.

  • Select “Individual Result” from the Result Type choice.

  • Type Your Roll number.

  • Enter the security key in the crate close to it.

  • Click the Get Result button to see the results.

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Education Board Result

To Check SSC Result 2022 and Download it, visit your Education Board official site. You might visit Education Board Results ( to check the Results for any Education Board. This is the official result Publication site of the Ministry of Education. SSC, Dakhil, and SSC Vocational Results can be viewed here. Results can be viewed in subtleties through this site. Nonetheless, the roll and the enlistment number will be expected to know the result through the Adhere to the directions below to know the SSC Board Result 2022.


  • Visit site.

  • Select “SSC/Dakhil or SSC (Vocational)” from the assessment choices.

  • Select “2022” from the year choice.

  • Select your Education Board Name from the board choices.

  • Type your SSC Roll and registration number.

  • Compose the aggregate on the left in the cell on the right.

  • Click the “submit” button to see the result.


Result by SMS

The Secondary School Certificate Examination SSC Result by SMS can be known without any problem. The message must be sent after the authority results are released. It will be educated in bringing the message back. It’s straightforward and reasonable. SMS can be sent from any portable administrator. Messages can be sent from Teletalk, Grameenphone, Banglalink, Airtel, or Robi Mobile SIM. Follow the via below to know the result by SMS.


SSC Result 2022 by SMS

  • Enter the New Message choice on your mobile phone.

  • Type SSC <space> First 3 letters of Board Name <space> Roll <space> 2022

  • Send the message to 16222.


If your message is sent successfully, you will be notified of the result in the bring a message back. The initial three letters of your Education Board Name will be DHA for Dhaka Board, COM for Comilla Board, CHI for Chittagong Board, BAR for Barisal Board, DIN for Dinajpur Board, RAJ for Rajshahi Board, JES for Jessore Board, SYL for Sylhet Board, MYM for Mymensingh board, MAD for Madrasah Board and TEC for Technical Board.


SSC Results by Apps

The Education Ministry has an authority application to see the SSC and equivalent exam results through Smartphone Apps. The phone application can be viewed via the “Education Board Results” from Google Play Store. Download the app and introduce it on any Smartphone and scan your result for any education sheets in Bangladesh.


follow the guidelines below to see all board results via applications.


  • Download the “Schooling Board Results” application from the Google Play Store.

  • Introduce the application on your telephone.

  • Open the Apps.

  • Select your Education Board.

  • Select your Exam Type.

  • Input your SSC Roll and Registration Number.

  • Press the Submit Button and View your Result.

SSC mark sheet

SSC Result 2022 mark sheets have been published. The SSC mark sheet 2022 can be seen with a detailed number. Every Education Board has published a different Marks Sheet with Results. Numbers are additionally referenced alongside the publishing of results including subject-based grades. Understudies will want to see the mark sheets from their separate education board sites. Roll and registration number will be expected to see the mark sheet. Investigate the subtleties of the board-based mark sheet below.


Dakhil Result 2022

Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board Dakhil Result 2022 has been published. The pass rate of Dakhil is 93.22 percent. A sum of 14 thousand 313 understudies got GPA-5. This is the SSC Equivalent Result for Madrasah Education. The Dakhil mark sheet and the result can be found on the authority site of the Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board. Madrasas will want to download organization-based results from a similar site. Results can be downloaded with the EIIN number of the organization. Notwithstanding the site, you can without much of a stretch know the Dakhil Result by SMS. For this, you need to send an SMS from any portable administrator. 


  • Go to the New Message choice 

  • Type SSC <space> MAD <space> Your Roll <space> 2022 

  • send to 16222. 


The result will be educated in the message back.


SSC Vocational Result 2022

SSC Vocational Result 2022 of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board has been published. The pass rate in the specialized education board is 88.49 percent. The Technical Board SSC Result is equivalent to the SSC assessment Result of the General Education Board. SSC Vocational mark sheet and results can be seen on the official site of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board Results can likewise be known through SMS. To receive the Technical Education Board Result by SMS, 


  • Go to the New Message choice 

  • Type SSC <space> TEC <space> Your Roll <space> 2022 

  • send to 16222. 

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Dhaka Education Board

Dhaka Board SSC Result 2022 has been published. The pass rate in Dhaka Education Board this year is 93.15 percent. Point by point mark sheet has been published simultaneously. Understudies of the Dhaka Education Board will want to see the point-by-point results including mark sheets from the Dhaka Education Board’s official site. The schools of Dhaka Education Board can likewise know the establishment-based results from this site.


Aside from the site, the Dhaka Board Results can be known through SMS. The SMS configuration of Dhaka Board is – SSC <space> DHA <space> Roll <space> 2022 and Send to 16222.


Barisal Board Result

Barisal Board SSC Result 2022 has been published. The pass rate in SSC in Barisal Education Board is 90.19 percent. 10 thousand 219 understudies got GPGA-5 this year. Understudies will want to know the Barisal Board SSC mark sheet and result from the Barisal Education Board site You can likewise know the result by sending an SMS. For this you need to compose SSC <space> BAR <space> Roll Number <space> 2022 and send an SMS to 16222.


Organization-based results can likewise be found on the Barisal Education Board’s official site. Paperless results can be downloaded from the Institute-based results selection by EIIN.


Comilla Education Board

Comilla Board SSC Result has been published. The pass rate in the Comilla Education Board is 96.27 percent. If you are a competitor of the Comilla Education Board, you can take a look at the result first through SMS. Comilla Board SSC mark sheet and results can be found on the authority’s website. Comilla Additionally, assuming that you send a SMS by composing SSC <space> COM <space> Roll Number <space> 2022 and shipping off 16222 from any cell phone. You will know the result in the bring the message back. Notwithstanding, if you need to know the nitty-gritty results, you should be aware through the Comilla Education Board site. Both roll and enlistment numbers will be expected to know the result including the mark sheet. Aside from individual results, instructive establishments of the Comilla Board will want to download foundation-based paperless results from the site. For this, the EIIN number of the organization will be required.


Chittagong Board Result

Chittagong Board SSC Result 2022 has been published. The pass rate in Chittagong Education Board is 91.12 percent. 12 thousand 791 individuals got a GPA of five. Aftereffects of the Chittagong Board of Education including the SSC mark sheet can be found on the site. Notwithstanding, to know the result, you need to send an SMS from any cell phone. Assuming you send an SMS by composing SSC <space> CHI <space> Roll <space> 2022 and Send to 16222. The result will be educated in the message back.


Notwithstanding the understudy results, school-put-together results can be found on the site. To know the Institute Based result for the Chittagong Education Board, the EIIN number of the organization will be required.


Dinajpur Board Result

Dinajpur Board SSC Result 2022 has been published. 15 thousand 578 understudies got GPA-5 in Dinajpur Education Board. The pass rate is 94.80 percent. Point-by-point results including mark sheets can be found on the Dinajpur Education Board at Dinajpur Understudies and educational organizations under the Dinajpur Education Board will want to gather results from this site. Understudies will want to know the result by composing SSC <space> DIN <space> Roll Number <space> 2022 in the message choice of their verses and making an impression on 16222.


Jessore Board Result

Jessore Board SSC Result 2022 has been published. The pass rate is 93.9 percent. A total of 16,461 understudies got GPA-5 in the Jessore board. Undergraduates of the Jessore Education Board will want to see the imprint sheet and results from the site. Likewise, on the off chance that you communicate something specific by composing SSC <space> JES <space> Roll <space> 2022 and send it to 16222, the result will be known in the bring the message back. Instructive establishments can likewise download organization-based results from the authority site.


Rajshahi Board Result

Rajshahi Board SSC Result 2022 has been released today. This year 94.71 percent of understudies have finished the SSC assessment in Rajshahi Board. This time a total of 27,909 up-and-comers got a GPA of 5. Rajshahi Education Board Results and subtleties mark sheet can be found on the site. organization-based paperless results can be downloaded from a similar site. Understudies can likewise know the result by sending an SMS from their portable. For this you need to compose – SSC <space> RAJ <space> Roll Number <space> 2022 and send it to 16222.


Mymensingh Board Result

Mymensingh Board SSC Result 2022 has been published. Mymensingh Education Board pass rate is 97.52 percent. The Total GPA-5 in this Education Board is 10,092. Understudies and instructive foundations will want to know the results from the site. Understudies will want to know the result alongside the imprinted sheet with their roll and enlistment number. Instructive establishments can likewise gather paperless results from the site. To know the result through SMS, you need to compose SSC <space> MYM <space> Roll Number <space> 2022 and send an SMS to 16222.


Sylhet Board Result

Sylhet Board SSC Result 2022 has been published. This result is published today on the 30th of December with a nitty gritty mark sheet. The pass rate is 96.78 percent. Absolute 4,834 understudies got GPA-5 this year. Detailed results including mark sheets can be found on the site. You can likewise know the result by composing SSC <space> SYL <space> Roll Number <space> 2022 and making an impression on 16222. Instructive foundations and understudies will want to gather detailed results from the site.


SSC Exam Result 2022

The SSC and Equivalent Exam in Bangladesh were required for eight and a half months this year’s planned time year. The Exam began on the fourteenth of November. The exam closes on 23 November.


Because of the Corona pandemic, this time the exam was held in an alternate circumstance. Not at all like different years, the exam has not been taken for all subjects. Just a gathering based on three subjects was held. The exam was on a short schedule. By diminishing the span and all-out marks, assessments were conducted in three subjects each for the Science, Humanities, and Business Studies gatherings.


This time the obligatory (fundamental) subject and the fourth subject were not inspected. In these subjects, marks are given by subject-planning in light of JSC and identical assessment marks.


Re-examination Application

Assuming any understudy has any complaints about the result, they can apply for a Re-examination. The audit application will begin the day after the publishing of the results. It will go on for several weeks. Definite directions can be found on the particular Education Board’s sites. The application can be made for at least one subject. Understudies need to apply through a Teletalk cell phone paid ahead of time SIM. Separate charges will be relevant for each subject.



Labels: SSC Exam Result 2022 SSC Result Bangladesh – Web Based Result Publication System SSC Result BD SSC Result mark sheet 2022 with All Subject wise Number SSC Result 2022 Published Date (Announced) SSC Result 2022 Kobe Dibe (প্রকাশের তারিখ) SSC Result mark sheet with all Subject wise number Education Board Result – SSC and Equivalent Result 2022 Web based Result for Education Boards SSC Result 2022 web-based SSC Result 2022 check site SSC Result 2022 Download (Published) SSC 2022 Result with mark sheet – Check Now (Out) SSC Result BD 2022 mark sheet – Education Board SSC 2022 Result Published SSC 21 Result (Published) 2022 SSC Exam Result BD SSC Result 2022 Online SSC Exam Result 2022 Full mark sheet SSC Mark Sheet 2022

MD Munna Sarker

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